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Academic Speaking & Writing Online

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LIBERTY公式 – Writing & Speaking学習法



*以下ではTOEFL iBT対策を例にあげますがTOEFL ITPIELTSTOEIC、英検、大学入試対策でも基本的な勉強方法は同じです


Academic Writing

Point 1 : Logical & rational thinking with good organization

Point 2 : Perfect use of English grammar via Grammar Table

Point 3 : Use Latin origin vocabulary


<Point 1> Streamline and organize your thoughts and ideas logically


【Introduction】60〜100 words

  • academic general perspectives on topics
  • “attention grabbing”


Hook the examiner/reader to convince that you’re academically smart enough to be evaluated as a competent thinker and arguer.


【Body】 150〜200 words in 2〜3 paragraphs to be as concrete or specific as possible to support your argument

*Remember.. “SAFER”

[S]tatistics : figures, numbers

[A]necdotes : personal experiences


[E]xamples – Other supportive matters.



【Counter Argument 】

Especially pros & cons type of questions always require a counter argument or any topic whatsoever before or after the body part.


【Conclusion】60〜80 words

Conclusively add whatever academic general perspective possible in the end to show your academic relativity (relativism), depending on different attitudes, perspectives, or value systems or circumstances.


<Point 2 > Perfect structure of expression, expressing your thought

— Grammar Rules —

Verb = Language, Syntax = Grammar, word order in line with Agreement rules

  1. S + V agreement
  2. Verb patterns  V1〜V5 agreement
  3. Timeline: 24 (Passive, Active) agreement + 4 exceptions
  4. Verbal
  5. 7 other rules for perfect punctuation

Point to consider / Remember

  1. Good, well thought-out content
  2. Streamline: well structured argument

(Introduction – Body – Counter Argument –Conclusion)

  1. Perfect Grammar via Grammar Table
  2. Good expressions derived from Latin or French
  3. Perfect spellings: vocabulary



Tips for iBT writing

・The most important requirement is to be logical and to be grammatically correct, along with the use of intellectual (academic) words.


・Make sure to leave at least 3 minutes to complete your essay so as to further elaborate your writing.


・Check spellings and Grammar Rules most carefully.

・Again, don’t try to use difficult words that you are not familiar with. Use only words that you know both its meaning (semantics) and its usage well.


・Rather than focusing on honestly expressing your own personal opinion, pick up the choice whose reasonings and examples you come up with easily, in a short time. Remember, time is of the essence.


・Try to include at least one anecdote as it is most convincing as a reason especially in the tests like TOEFL, IELTS or SAT.



Academic Speaking

【Casual Speech Section / Independent Topics】

The most important points in the casual speech section are…

1) to be logical / rational / reasonable : critical thinking
2) to be grammatically correct : perfect grammar usage via Grammar Table
3) to be capable of making use of intellectual vocabulary originated in Latin


Tips for TOEFL iBT speaking

  1. Be sure to jot down only key words or phrases for what you are going to speak.


  1. Never skip the introduction before you go into the body.


  1. Don’t forget to mention your counter-argument, especially when the question relates to pros & cons / for or against.


  1. You can skip the conclusion, instead finish the speech, saying “that’s the wrap-up” or “That’s how I view”.


  1. Do not go overdue, and aim  to finish 2 or 3 seconds before the given time.


  1. Speak as clearly as possible (enunciation/punctuation).



  1. Do not try to use difficult words you are not familiar with, instead use well versed ones (though you must familiarize yourself with difficult words as much as possible during practice).


  1. If you are not confident in speaking, try to speak slowly and accurately so that you will not have too much time left, with nothing else to say within the given time.







はじめてAcademic Speaking & Writingクラスに出席します。事前の予習などはございますか?
TOEFLやIELTSでは発音はあまり重要視されていません。正確な文法力とアカデミックな立論が問われていますので、そちらをまずは最優先に取り組みましょう。Grammar Tableクラスで扱った問題の音読やListening対策としても推奨しているシャドーイングも大変有効です。

・ Writing課題について


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